Friday, April 25, 2008

Medicine Vs Life

Doctors always try their best to find cures for the diseases, if possible.
When the disease is incurable, they will try to control the symptoms.
At the worst case, when the symptom control cannot be done optimally, at least doctors can still provide palliative treatment to make the patients feel more comfortable before their heart stops beating.

Whenever it is possible, doctors will try their best to give the best treatment to their patients. They never give up.

We should also apply the same principle in our life.

We should always try our best to give our best shot in everything in our life.
However, if some problems stop thing from going smoothly, we should still do our best even the outcome might not be the best.
If the situation is really really bad, we can at least still do watever we can to prevent thing from getting worse.

This is why we should nvr give up on hopes in our life. Everything is possible if we really think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For me, at the very moment, it is
Life Vs Medicine...
Subject followed by plural..

Score: Life: 0, Medicine: 1