Thursday, July 06, 2006


别误会, 我并不是脑袋出了问题, 也不是在胡说八道. 我只不过把 “Could you put yourself in my shoes ” 直译成华文.

你能将心比心, 时时刻刻都为别人着想吗?

人是自私的动物, 这点我非常地同意. 虽然有人常说: “吃亏就是占便宜”, 但我想今时今日肯吃亏而不占人便宜的人已经濒临绝种了, 不是吗?

就算不占人便宜, 你是否能凡事都替他人着想, 处处忍让别人呢? 不是我悲观, 但我真的认为现今的社会已经很少会出现真的能够100%体谅别人的人了.

陌生人不体谅你, 气一气后心情很容易就雨过天晴了; 朋友无理取闹地刁难, 忍一忍也许心中的怨气就能烟飞云散; 但如果被家人误解了, 心中的痛是痛彻心扉的, 久久都不能抚平.

自己常常躲在别人的鞋中, 偶尔也希望得到别人的谅解, 不算太过分吧?


Anonymous said...

hey...just wana say...take care..dun give up..k?=)

cheehan85 said...

i can put myself into your shoes, as long as your shoes are not stink! :P
Jia you ar... This planet still needs many good guys like you, don't easily give up.

People can't understand you, maybe it's becoz the way you present it not effective enough, or their thinking is stucked in a frame of logic. Communication is an art where few people can really master it. When things are messed up in an emotional way, usually people don't see a full picture. That's why need both side to keep calm and ready to listen to each other's views. After went through the entire process, in the end, you have to respect that people could come to different conclusion, and not always having the same thoughts as you. You should not be too upset or feel sorry for anyone, if you think that you have done the best.

Don't worry, i'll be in your shoes, if you don't put your feet and stamp on me so hard. :P but if you think u'll be happier like this, then i'm ready to sacrifice for you.Remember that you will always get my support, ok?

Wei Kang 小康 said...

haha...too bad i m not a gay...i mean a gal...if not i will giv u a chance to b my gf....hahaha... j k lar...

thanks for ur comment...v constructive.. hehe...btw, i wash my feet everyday... :P