Friday, March 21, 2008


Sometimes, examination does not only test on our knowledge, it also gauge how well we can handle the stress.

For those who don't study consistently like me, preparing for exam is not a very pleasant thing to do.

First, we will b exhausted due to burning midnight oil for weeks or months.
Then, we will have to concentrate in lectures using our exhausted brain, which can potentially further make our brain more tired than it does.
Sometimes, we might be tested 'extra-curricularly' with personal issues such as relationship problem, financial crisis, etc etc.
No time to cook proper meal. Consequently, we deprive our brain from essential nutrients.

In the end, we end up with a tired body and exhausted mind. Yet, we can't even stop and complain about it as we are running out of time.

Moral of the story is:
1. Study consistently unless you are fine with stress.
2. When you are tired, just rest.

I m goin to have an early night now. Good night every1!

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