Tuesday, August 08, 2006

中文 a.k.a Chinese Language a.k.a Bahasa Cina

When I first started blogging at approximately (I must admit that I really like this word because it is a more ‘polite way’ to give an uncertain answer which I cant remember exactly) a year ago, I was hesitating whether I should create a 100% angmoh (English in Hokkien) blog, a “seratus peratus blog Bahasa Cina” or perhaps a rojak-language blog which might consist of the 3 languages that I know, i.e. English, Bahasa Melayu and中文. At that time, due to the fact that I communicated in Mandarin (with my friends and family, and sometimes with the hawkers selling food in kopitiam ) and Malay Language (when I sang “Negaraku”, beli tiket bas, paying utilities bills, etc etc.) for about 90% of the time when I spoke, thus I decided to make English as my blog’s official language. That was not just to serve as a platform for me to practice the language but I also hope that my blog will be “flagged” as an international blog 1 day. =P And here we go, I started blogging about myself in “broken English”. Haha…

However, I soon felt that English has become my main communicating language since the day I first landed in United Kingdom to pursue a degree in Medicine. At about 99% of the time I spoke English over there (even though my Manglish would sometimes confused the local ppl there =P), and for the remaining of my time I would find myself skyping with family using my mother tongue. Without realizing it, I think I will soon be Anglicised.

Hence, I decided to include some Chinese articles in my blog in order to maintain my level of command of the language. However, this amendment has caused some unexpected distress to a big number of my blog readers. I truly regret about this and wish to apologise that I, however, will still write more Chinese articles in the future because at certain time I feel more comfortable to blog in my mother tongue about certain events in my life. Don’t worry if you cant understand Chinese Language because even if you do, you might not understand what I wrote, as most of them are quite abstract.

Hm… maybe I shall consider to conduct a mini Chinese Language class series here so that some of you may actually gain benefits from visiting my blog. =P


cheehan85 said...

good good... chinese language teacher Lim Wei Kang... Serving to connect the bridge between Chinese community and others!

Wei Da de Kang zai!!! wan shui!!!

cheehan85 said...


yes, dear Wei Kang (don't vomit pls), you write who you are in the blog world, for yourself especially. This space is your space, like your house is your house, you can do whatever you like to do.
You can write anything you want to, not writing anything you don't want to, or use any language you feel comfortable with... as long as you feel like doing so.

Of coz, if you think of writing for someone to read due to your courtesy, you may do so too. Tapi, jangan paksa sendiri lar... Ikut suka hati kamu (kalau kamu suka saya pun boleh ikut saya..kakaka).

By that time , when you are feeling right at expressing something in that particular language, just let it be natural, write down what do you want to express, which you think can express the best!

If you see my blog, then you know what's called a typical Malaysian Rojak blog. Currently it holds 3 languages. (but i have my principle -- i don't like to mix language in one article if not necessary).
Later, perhaps i will add my German language, for 'shiok sendiri' ...hahaha

I suggest those who don't understand any language (maybe my German in future), go look up for online translation, or study that language to understand it lor... Wei Kang will be a very good teacher. I can assure. If you want, i can be his pejamin/guarantor...if he escapes his duty, call me. I know where to find him :P

Wei Kang 小康 said...


ShuLy said...

HAHAHAHAHHAHA...."unexpected distress"!! HAHAHAHAHAHA...BWAHAHAHAHHA! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHA~!!!!!!!!!.....(*shuly heaves a deep breath!*)

LiempehH™ said...

hahahahh! well well! someone was sayihg that he wwants to teach me chinese! wei, even the shopkeeper here oso scold me for not being able to understand chinese la! but the catch was tat, he says im too old to learn it now adi *shrugs his head*..aisey, you better prove that guy wrong ok! sifu!!